Organization Overview

Every day another family faces the uncertainties and complexities surrounding an aging family member. Some are planning ahead. But many others are suddenly thrust into drawing up health care directives, power of attorney documents, wills or figuring out how to pay for expensive long-term care. And it's all happening so fast. For more than 15 years, Michelangelo Mortellaro has been relieving the stress of these families by providing guidance and solutions. He is a VA-accredited Elder Law Attorney located in Tampa, Florida who can assist you with Estate Planning and works to protect your home and assets, qualify for Medicaid and/or Veterans benefits, and establish a plan for those years ahead. Michelangelo is one of the few Tampa Bay area attorneys with a highly successful record of clients receiving approval for both Medicaid and Veterans benefits at the same time. He appreciates the opportunity to guide individuals and families through the challenging maze of end-of-life decisions and offering legacy preserving solutions.
Tami Erickson
Tami Erickson Director of Business Development
FALA Logo Associate Member

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